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Why Christian Education

May 30, 2022

     The Bible is very clear about the importance of parents in the lives of their children. They are to love them and to bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. In a typical week, however, a large amount of a child’s time is spent in a school setting. It is paramount, then, to consider the influence school is having on a child’s life. Is their educational experience encouraging the flourishing of their physical, mental, and spiritual well-being?

What is Christian Education?

     The goal of any school is to educate children about life, the world around them, and their purpose in all of it. Christian education integrates a biblical worldview into every area of study so that children are taught about the world God created, weaving faith into each area of learning. They are taught how to find purpose and meaning through God’s will for their life. They learn about a bigger story - that our faithful God is actively at work and has been since the beginning. Through an understanding of God’s character, His Word, and His works children learn truth and how to show His love to those around them.

Isn't Sunday School enough for my child?

     With a Christian education children learn that God doesn’t only exist on Sunday mornings, but is constantly at work in the world each and every day. By integrating a biblical worldview into every area of study, students learn that following God isn’t limited to one area of life. For example, in science class students learn about God’s handiwork in natural laws and the design of the world. In gym class they may learn how to set a Christ-like example with team members and opponents in a game. A Christian school can build on what is being taught at church and in the home so the child will develop a deep and mature spiritual foundation. The goal is to ignite a desire in students to continue to learn about God and the Bible, preparing them to follow Christ after they leave school.

Benefits of Christian Education

     There are many benefits to having a child educated in a Christian school. Some of these include:

  1. Bible classes - Children will learn the truth about God’s Word and will use this foundation as the start of all subjects, including math, science and history.
  2. Character development - Children learn they are created with a purpose and begin to discern how their interests and talents may line up with future career goals to be used for His glory.
  3. Prepared for life - Students are trained to understand the truth in the Bible and then share their faith confidently with others. They learn how to defend their faith and effectively share the Gospel, ultimately changing the world through Christ.
  4. Influence on heart - Christian school students are searching and struggling with life’s issues just as much as students in a public school. However, the Christian school gives them the climate and the tools to succeed.
  5. Partnership with home - The Christian education system is a partnership with the family that desires their child to be disciplined, nurtured and educated in an atmosphere that honors God and gives preparation to be successful emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically.
  6. Good role models - Teachers model and demonstrate Christian principles so that a child can learn from an early age how to practice their faith in their daily lives.
  7. Habit of prayer - Corporate prayer is an integral part of the day. Prayer is a path to a personal relationship with God, but it also strengthens connections to one another. Teachers and students pray for each other — in times of blessing and times of challenge — to foster a loving, inclusive learning environment. We incorporate the habit of prayer in our classrooms, weekly chapel services, and extracurricular activities.
  8. Positive peer pressure - Students reinforce positive habits and attitudes, so instead of pressuring each other to make mistakes, they’ll encourage each other to do their best.
  9. Smaller classes, more attention - With small class sizes, students receive one-on-one attention from their teachers, allowing the staff and administrators to know each child personally. Teachers and staff view every child as a unique person created in God’s image. With such attention, they often will notice talents and gifts in a child which they can then encourage to develop for God’s glory.

     The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. If we truly believe God exists and rules this universe, it seems preposterous to educate kids in a system that never mentions His name or His influence on this world. Choosing a school for your children is a big decision. Pray for guidance to make the best choice for your family. If you have any additional questions or concerns, or would like to tour the school please reach out to us today.

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Everyone has a worldview. It is the framework from which we view reality and make sense of life and the world. Our worldview becomes the driving force behind every emotion, decision and action. The question to consider is not whether you have a worldview, but rather, is your worldview true? Some worldviews are incoherent, being merely a smorgasbord, or mix and match worldview. Barna research concluded that 88% of people have a worldview that is not internally consistent, meaning it is not coherent with itself. An examined and thoughtful worldview, however, is more than a private personal viewpoint; it is a comprehensive life system that seeks to answer the basic questions of life:
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