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Preparing Your Child For Kindergarten

June 22, 2022

The transition to kindergarten can be a big change for parents and children. Even if your child has been attending a preschool, the transition to kindergarten can still feel daunting.  There will be new friends and teachers that your child has never seen before. The school will have a different schedule than what they have been used to, and the size of the school can feel intimidating.

Oftentimes parents ask me what they can do to help prepare their children for the transition to kindergarten. The answer may surprise you: what is most important for pre-kindergarten children to know is not academic skills, but rather independence in some key areas.  Below are 5 key things you can do to help best prepare your child for kindergarten: 

1. Learning independence in the washroom

Each kindergarten classroom at SCS has their own designated washroom and kindergarten students are expected to use the washroom independently when they enter the program. Of course, we know that sometimes students do need help with buttons and zippers when they are done, and we will provide reminders to wash their hands.  Also, we understand that accidents are a part of the kindergarten experience and so we would be happy to retrieve your child’s change of clothes with which they would then use to change themselves.  One of the things you can do is have your child practice using the washroom with the door closed for privacy and dressing/undressing themselves completely independently so that if the need arises, they are able to do that on their own. 

2. Practice recognizing their name 

There are many things in the classroom that will have your child’s name on them and it would be helpful if they could recognize which mailbox or coat hook is their own.  Recognizing their own name will help your child to function independently in the kindergarten classroom and enable them to put their items in the right place. 

3. Practice name writing

From artwork to journals to drawing pictures, there are a lot of little things that kindergarten students create. When students know how to write their names (or even the first letter of their name) it makes keeping track of these creations much easier. 

4. Practice social skills in a variety of settings

Taking turns, listening, and following the rules are important social skills in kindergarten. So schedule play dates, take your child to the park, and have your child experience different social settings.  This is a great opportunity to practice conflict resolution skills and also play etiquette. 

5. Practice using backpack and eating out of their lunchbox

Your child can take their backpack and lunchbox with them on trips or outings.  This enables them to practice opening and closing their containers and their backpack.  Although kindergarten students are little in stature, we recommend using a large, long backpack in order to allow room for all the items which kindergarten students bring to school each day.  A backpack needs to be able to accommodate a folder, lunch bag, sweater, snow pants in winter, etc. 

Practicing these skills with your child throughout the summer will allow them the best possible start for kindergarten in September. 

If you would like more information about the kindergarten program at Stouffville Christian School, contact us for a tour or to ask any questions.

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